Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Surfing in New Zealand

Today I went surfing at Ohope Beach near Whakatane in the Bay of Plenty on the north island of New Zealand. The swell wasn't all that great but the set waves were chest high and it was an easy break. Unfortuantely the lack of energy made it difficult to catch waves, but when I could get one it was easy to ride. I caught my three waves, a solid right, a short fast left and then the wave of the day, a left that stayed open. I made the inside section and surfed it until it closed out hoping that my wife might see me or even be filming. I think she saw me. The wave was very similar to HB on a weak day. The swell is supposed to hit on Saturday but by then I will be in Picton on the south island. Prior to surfing here I had looked at Hot Water Beach on the Cormandel peninsula, Whangamata and Raglan. Raglan is where the guys stopped for the Endless Summer movie. Whangamata seemed like a fun place to surf and I saw some pictures of some great lineups, but Raglan seemed like an overhyped local populated by a bunch of Jackholes. That may be unfair, especially since I didn't even see any of the breaks, but that was the vibe I got. I think my NZ surfing is done. I had a successful day and tomorrow we will drive down south to Napier and then on Friday to Wellington.