My frustration with openSUSE not remembering which services I want to
start at boot finally got the better of me. Since Debian Lenny is not
out yet, I went searching for other distos that would scratch my itch.
So I gave Ubuntu server edition a chance, but it gave me some trouble
with things that I thought should be straight forward so I gave it the
boot. One big problem was that it alternately mounted my RAID array as
sdb1 and sda1 which made mounting via fstab fairly difficult.
Now I am installing Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop 64 bit as a server. I
downloaded and burned the install disc. The next things to do are:
1. install samba and setup files, music and photo shares. create users
for me and my wife.
2. install nfs server and share files
3. install the raid 3dm2 utility
I didn't like Ubuntu desktop as a server. Basically because you have to
use the gui configuration stuff and I like to edit the config files for
a server. The network didn't work every time I rebooted. I tried to
edit the /etc/network/interfaces, but when I rebooted, it was blank again.
The next thing to do is install Fedora. I have downloaded the 64 bit
version of Fedora Core 9. That sucked. I don't even know what to say.
I could not connect to the internet. I went through the GUI, I checked
the manual configuration, nothing worked. I scrapped it and loaded a 32
bit version of xubuntu 8.04 I had laying around.
Xubuntu 8.04 32 bit installed fine. One problem I had was with the grub
installation. When I rebooted, it stayed with the openSUSE grub screen,
which did not have an option for xubuntu. To get to the latest grub
menu.lst options, I needed to boot into a live CD (I use puppy linux),
open a command prompt and type:
# grub
> root (hd0.2)
> setup (hd0)
> quit
I already knew that my xubuntu installation was on hd0,2. Next I had to
edit menu.lst in xubuntu because it put hd1 everywhere it should have
put hd0. When I booted into xubuntu, I could not get past the grub
screen because it was trying to boot hd1,2. I had to hit e for edit and
change the 1 to 0, then I could boot into xubuntu. Then:
$ sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
change all the hd1 entries to hd0.
reboot and everything worked.
Now mount the RAID array.
$ sudo nano /etc/fstab
add the line
/dev/sda1 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
$ sudo mount -a (to test)
reboot and verify everything works.
Tomorrow...Install NFS and setup getmail
Then...Install dovecot
install samba server
install ?