Monday, September 7, 2009

Arch Linux

I set up Arch Linux to be the OS for my home server. I used the installation guide from Arch was great because I learned a lot about Linux just from setting it up. You feel like an expert until you try to repeat the process without the guide. Here is a list of things my home server does.

1. mount raid 5 array
2. run 3dm2 to monitor the RAID array
3. ssh server
4. NFS server
5. Samba server
6. DHCP server using dnsmasq
7. getmail
8. dovecot
9. Apache
10. PHP
11. Dokuwiki
12. Squirrelmail

Outstanding Issues

1. fan speed control
2. netatalk
3. power management (stop spinning hard drives)
4. webmin

had to install rsync
#pacman -Sy rsync

to update the system
#pacman -Syu


Holger said...

No Multimedia? :-)

Brett W said...

I use Samba for access to music and will open video files with VLC to watch them. I played with streaming video with VLC but don't use it.

Holger said...

Here at the company we connected four DVB-S (for two satellites) cards and built a streaming server based on VDR (video disc recorder).
Works great with PCs and commercial Set-Top-Boxes for the tv's.

So, in case you have some spare time ...