Friday, February 4, 2005

Spotty Coverage

Getting back into the surf routine is proving more difficult than anticipated. One major reason is the location of my work. In January my work moved from HB (15 minutes each way) to Tustin (20 minutes to 1 hour each way, depending on traffic). Another reason is my son. If he is awake in the morning when I leave, I'll stay and play with him (he is one year old) for a while, thereby missing my window of opportunity for surfing (you have to have your priorities straight). Between the two, I missed Tuesday and Wednesday. I hit the water again today (Thurs) this time with the longboard. What a piece of cake to ride after struggling on the shortboard for the past few sessions. Surf was small, but I caught my three or four waves and had some fun. That is the biggest thing about the longboard, you will have fun and your wavecount will be high. Shorter boards may provide bigger thrills when you actually catch a big wave, but big surf is rare, especially in the summer. The longboard is simply fun.

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