Monday, January 7, 2008

Media Server

TwonkyMedia is a UPnP AV media server that I use to serve music, pictures and video to a D-Link DSM-520 media server. I am very happy with the way it works.

In order to get TwonkyMedia to work with my AMD64 processor, I had to install a package to give Debian 32 bit program support. This package is ia32-libs and can be installed in Synaptic or on the command line by typing:
#apt-get install ia32-libs

I used the script from the TwonkyMedia website to install the software. I followed the directions, keeping all defaults. The only issue I had was that I had to correct file permissions twice when I got error messages saying the scripts could not be run.

Once it is installed, using a web browser, go to http://server_IP_address:9000 to configure TwonkyMedia.

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