Monday, January 7, 2008

Music Server

I had Firefly (mt-daap) working great on Debian, but cannot make it work on openSUSE. I installed tangerine instead. It doesn't have some of the features of mt-daap, like smart playlists, so I will probably try mt-daap again in the future.

Tangerine was very easy to set up in openSUSE. I installed it using Yast and then it showed up in the Yast configuration screen. You get the GUI configuration screen shown on their website and you are off and running.

Firefly music server is a daap server that used to be called mt-daap. I will call it mt-daap here because it is easier. Daap is the protocol that iTunes uses to share its media library. I use mt-daap to share my music collection on my home network without having to keep iTunes running all the time (not to mention that there is no Linux version of iTunes). Mt-daap is very small and very fast.

To install mt-daap in Debian, simply select it in Synaptic or on the command line type:
#apt-get install mt-daapd

To configure mt-daap you will need to edit the mp3_dir line in /etc/mt-daap.conf to point to your music collection. You may also want to change the admin password, but that is not necessary.

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