Thursday, May 12, 2005

Huntington vs Baja

I went surfing this morning at 17th street. When I woke up this morning and looked at CDIP it showed 3-5 from the north. Some of the set waves were maybe 5 but the bottom seems a bit uneven and so they look like they are going to break then flatten out. I was on the short board, got my three waves and was at work by 7:30. I was happy just to get three waves on the shortboard. There was not the crowd that there was at Newport. Freddy was out there, but maintained his usual distance and just before I left two more guys showed up but were still a peak away. The water was a bit dirty and had a faint odor. Curious since there has been no rain for over a week. After only two days surfing at home, I still compare everything to the first day in Baja where we had everything almost perfect, so on a short crappy day with dirty water Baja wins.

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