Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Newport vs. Baja

From an email to Travis 5/10/05

Clear Water.......................Could not see my knees
6 people = crowd..................6 people = empty (there were a lot more than 6)
No work after surfing.............Work after surfing

I stopped at 17th this morning but decided it was not worth paddling out. As I drove to work I decided to paddle out anyway, so I went to Newport, paddled out into a crowd of prepubescent boys and was reminded how fast that wave is. I was on my short board.

After the trip, I decided that I needed a new goal for this summer. My goal is to learn to ride the 7’2” no matter what. To that end I will be shelving the longboard until I either break the shorty or get desperate for some easy surfing.

Rebecca mentioned that you guys checked out a bunch of spots along the coast. Did you see anything good? Any good spots near a hotel? I think if we go camping, we should go south of Ensenada.

I found your book. It was hidden in the middle of the floor in the office. It was completely in plain sight and I have no explanation as to how I could not see it before. It describes the road we took and mentions Punta China, but nothing about CEMEX. Apparently the road at the mouth of the river continues north and there is some sort of spot there.


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