Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ubuntu 9.04 NBR on eee pc 1000

I installed Ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix on my eeepc 1000. I had been using an unofficial Ubuntu derivative prior to that which worked well but lacked a little polish in some areas. This is the first official Ubunutu NBR release and it works great.

The process of downloading the USB stick image and writing it to disk was the most time consuming. The instructions at www.ubuntu.com worked without a hitch. The actual install took the standard 20 minutes for Ubuntu, then I was ready to go.

The only changes I made to the standard install were to install nfs-common to talk to my nfs file server and setting temp and log files to write to RAM since I have a solid state drive and don't want the contstant writes to wear it out. These are the lines I added to /etc/fstab...

#mount the raid array on the nfs server /home/brett/server nfs defaults 0 0

#mount temporary data to tmpfs to reduce disk writes
tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults 0 0
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0

I should have used aptonCD to transfer the installed software from my old install. Since I didn't, I had to manually install the applications I like. Not a major task with a package manager, but it could have been avoided.

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